Thank you to my parents for always being there for me and for supporting me even when I thought I couldn't do something. They have never given up on me even after all they had to go through. My parents rarely use their earnings on things they would want like to go watch a movie, they never take breaks, in fact, I haven't seen my mom watch the television in ages. They spend all their earnings on paying the bills and more importantly on me and my sisters. I am very proud of my parents from coming to America 20 years ago living with family members to now owning a house multiple cars and even a small business. My mother has even been recently promoted to assistant manager at the Veteran Affairs hospital she works at. My parents push me so much to study and right know I just don't wanna study but in the future I know I will be thanking them for all their hard work and dedication. I feel confident going into Highschool and soon enough college that my parents will support me all along the way up on a path to success. So once again, thank you mom and dad for everything.
This is a truly genuine tribute to your parents.